It’s true, there is physical therapy for inner ear issues

Do these, if you don't want to look wasted all the time.
Do these, if you don’t want to look wasted all the time.

I have this issue. I will be standing still in one place, no objects or humans around me to bother my stance. And suddenly I am falling forward, or sideward, or backwards. I always catch myself. But It is annoying.

Also, When I lay my head down at night, I cannot lay down on my left side with my head tilted up. Otherwise the entire room begins to spin. And not just spin gently, we are talking tilt-a-whirl spin of DEATH!

It turns out, crystals in my inner ear that keep my balance and dizziness in check have decided to relocate. Find new homes, in parts of my ear where the real estate is genuinely not suitable for inner ear crystals at all.

So, I went to an ear, nose, and throat Dr. And he prescribed physical therapy for my ears. Simple movements. That bring on the dizziness like mad, and then is supposed to some how force the relocation of the inner ear crystals.

Sounds like WOO, doesn’t it?

It’s not…it’s real. I even got sent home with a small page of dizzy making exercises to help control this issue.

So far so good…It has been a couple months since I almost fell on the floor sober, and a few months since the unintentional tilt-a-whirl rides have stopped in the middle of the night.

I am still somewhat skeptical…I mean can’t they just stick something in there and poke the inner ear crystals forcefully back in to place?! Why DO I have to do all the work?

And wait, isn’t this sort of thing for old people? I’m in my 30’s…what the shit?

The end.

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